Heating Oil
Heating oil (Diesel #2) is one of the most common fuels used for heating in any commercial application. It is used in offices, condominiums, schools, churches, apartment buildings, retail stores and many other settings. Heating oil has multiple commercial hot water uses, including heating for concrete mixing and steam production for dry cleaning.
Propane is very prevalent in commercial and industrial applications. Propane is far more versatile than other heating fuels. A by-product of natural gas processing and petroleum refining, it is commonly used as a fuel for engines, oxy-gas torches, portable stoves and residential central heating.
Clear and Dyed Kerosene
Clear Kerosene is a clean burning fuel that is used for interior heating when ventilation is not available. It is also often used for temporary space heating. Dyed Kerosene is used as a heat source for outdoor space heating in well-ventilated areas.